Ignaz Anderson

Ignaz Anderson (1957) has been director of the Iona Foundation since 2004. Before that he has worked for 25 years in the Waldorf School The Hague. Furthermore he was a member of various boards and administrative councils. He is married and is father of two daughters. An additional position is his membership of the Supervisory Board of GLS-Treuhand (a component of the GLS-Bank, a worldwide «green» financial institute). Ignaz is also friend of the Earth Charter and Worldconnector.

The Iona Stichting (foundation), based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, is an international organization that supports projects that promote cultural renewal in the fields of education, healthcare, agriculture-food and arts. As a director of the foundation Ignaz prefers to see organizations as «learning institutions». For this he supported the work of Arthur Zajonc on meditation and Otto Scharmer (Theory-U) within the Dutch community. Meditation helps us to grow with the World together; to breath its air by doing what’s needed.

Ignaz will be a part of the workshop «Threshold Experiences in our Time – Stepping in to the Unknown»

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